925 CNC Ball Neck Chains are quite similar to the 925 CNC Ball Anklets that we brought to you few days ago. The only difference that lies between the two products is that they were anklets and these are neck chains. So these chains are made out of special computerized designing which brings out the best finish to any product. These chains are self designing, which these chains look more beautiful. These chains are much suitable for party wear as they are a bit heavy as seen for daily wear purposes, but they can be worn as per your choice. These chains are delicate pieces which are made out of extreme care. Also these chains fit in the budget of your pocket, they give a rich and heavy look.
All Products, Chains, Women
925 CNC Ball Women Neck Chains
₹4,200.00 incl. GST
925 CNC Ball Neck Chains are quite similar to the 925 CNC Ball Anklets that we brought to you few days ago. The only difference that lies between the two products is that they were anklets and these are neck chains. So these chains are made out of special computerized designing which brings out the best finish to any product.
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